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  1. When concluding a contract with the Contractor, the Customer chooses the desired Service level, hereinafter referred to as the SL.

  2. The SL Fee is determined as part of the Customer’s total subscription fee for the system, which is calculated as the full amount of licences of HansaWorld, Excellent Latvija, Atlassian or other software suppliers, as well as subscription fees for the Contractor’s solutions, without discounts, hereinafter referred to as the Subscription Fee.

  3. The Contractor is entitled to review the SL Fee once a month, according to changes in the configuration of the Customer’s licenses or the configuration of the Contractor’s solutions

  4. The Service level determines the following rights and obligations of the Customer:

    • The right to obtain a SL Discount from the Service invoice for the period in the amount expressed as a part of the SL Fee in the period,

    • The right to obtain a free evaluation of the System use efficiency once per calendar year, if any determined by the SL,

    • The right to request the Contractor’s response to requests created in accordance with the procedure provided for in these regulations within the Response Time provided for in the SL,

    • The right to communicate with the Contractor’s representatives by phone during the Support working hours determined by the SL,

    • The right to receive the services at the reduced service price determined in the service pricelist,

    • The right to a free status meeting lasting one hour once per the SL period, if provided for in the Customer’s SL,

    • The obligation to pay the corresponding SL Fee expressed as a part of the Customer’s current Subscription Fee.

  5. The working day corresponds to the calendar of working days provided for in the legislation of the Republic of LatviaLithuainia

  6. The Contractor offers the following Service Levels:


  1. The task can be created in the following ways:

    • The Customer’s representative, who is already a JIRA user, creates a JIRA Task on the Customer’s account website,

    • The Customer’s representative sends an e-mail to support@burtisupport@eberstein.lvlt, which automatically creates a JIRA Task,

    • The Customer’s representative submits a request by phone or verbally. In this case, the Contractor creates a JIRA Task on behalf of the Customer’s representative.

  2. In order for the Contractor to accept the Task, at least the following parameters of the Task must be known:

    • Name and surname of the Customer’s representative,

    • The Customer’s name,

    • HansaWorld, Excellent Latvia, Atlassian or other supplier’s product name,

    • The company of the Task if the Customer uses software in several companies,

    • Comprehensible Task description.

  3. If this information is not specified, the Contractor reserves the right to not accept the Task for fulfilment. It will be assigned to the Customer or the Customer’s representative, who submitted the Task, to clarify the necessary information.

  4. If the Customer’s representative does not have a JIRA user, it will be created automatically or manually by notifying to the e-mail of the Customer’s representative.

  5. A unique identifier is assigned to the task, which is used in the management of the Task specifications, status, responsible persons, priority and other parameters, as well as for the purposes of working time evaluation, accounting and payment.

  6. The task is considered completed if it has the Waiting for support or Open status and is assigned to the Contractor’s representative.

  7. The Customer’s responsible representative is obliged to regularly review the Tasks submitted by the Customer’s representatives in JIRA and, in case of questions or claims, immediately discuss those with the Contractor.
