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You can create a separate flexbi_private user and grant it access to all MySQL databases which start with the flexbi_private prefix:


Code Block
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `flexbi_private%`.* TO 'flexbi_private'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

(Replace "secret" with  with your chosen password). When you have specified the database connection parameters in then a flexbia flexbi_private database private database will be created. Later when additional accounts will be created then the data from each account will be stored in separate databases with names flexbinames flexbi_jira_dwh_(where N is account ID number).

In addition you should download the MySQL JDBC driver and copy the included mysqlincluded mysql-connector-java-*.jar to flexbijar to flexbi_private/lib directory lib directory (MySQL JDBC driver is not included in Private distribution due to GPL license restrictions).

Please also tune the MySQL memory settings to speed up both data import and data queries. The following myfollowing my.cnf settings cnf settings are recommended:


Code Block
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
query_cache_size= 16M
query_cache_type = 1
The parameter innodb_buffer_pool_size will specify how much database data MySQL can store in the memory - adjust it to your available server memory (the more data MySQL will store in the memory the less disk input/output operations will be performed). If you change innodb_log_file_size then it will require that you delete existing MySQL log files before starting the MySQL server.
