Versions Compared


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  • A private installation that is supported on Mac OS XLinux and Windows.
  • Java SE 7 or Java SE 8 should be installed.
  • MySQL (version 5.x), PostgreSQL (version 9.x), MS SQL (version 2008 or later) and Oracle (version 11g or later) are supported as a private database.


Ask support  to provide a download URL for the latest private full distribution .zip file.


Unzip the downloaded full distribution .zip file in directory of your choice. It will create a flexbi_private subdirectory where all private files will be located.


On Windows there exists a length limit for the file path - 260 characters. has a deep nested directory structure. System full file paths may exceed this limitation if the flexbi_private directory is located deeply in a directory hierarchy. We recommended to create  flexbi_private folder directly in the root folder for Windows installations.

Table of Contents

Directory structure

The flexbi_private directory contains the following subdirectories and files:




You can create a separate flexbi_private user and grant it access to all MySQL databases which start with the flexbi_private prefix:

Code Block
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `flexbi_private%`.* TO 'flexbi_private'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';

(Replace secret with yur chosen password). When you specify the database connection parameters in then a flexbi_private database will be created. Later when additional accounts are created each account will store its data in a separate database with names flexbi_jira_dwh_N (where N is account ID number).

In addition you should download MySQL JDBC driver and  and copy the included mysql-connector-java-*.jar to the flexbi_private/lib directory (MySQL JDBC driver is not included in Private distribution due to GPL license restrictions).

Please also tune MySQL memory settings to speed up data import and data queries. The following my.cnf settings are recommended:

Code Block
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
query_cache_size= 16M
query_cache_type = 1

The parameter innodb_buffer_pool_size  will specify how much database data MySQL can store in the memory - adjust it to your available server memory (the more data MySQL will store in the memory the less disk input/output operations will be performed). If you change  innodb_log_file_size  then it will require you to delete the existing MySQL log files before starting MySQL server.
