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What is Mailigen?

Mailigen is newsletter creation and automation platform. Platform offers management of contact lists, creation of letter templates using WYSIWYG e-mail template editor, analysing campaign results and more. We can send Standard ERP customer letters such as announcements or adverts using them as delivery mechanism.


Category codeCategory nameMailigen Subscriber list name
VIPVIP customersVIP customers



It is very easy to create a list from SERP using with a report definition like this:

Code Block
  "cube_name": "HansaWorld CRM",
  "cube_reports": [ {
     "name": "All customer e-mails",
     "result_view": "table",
     "definition": {"columns":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Measures","selected_set":["[Measures].[Customer e-mail]","[Measures].[Customer primary contact]"],"members":null}]},"rows":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Customer","selected_set":["[Customer].[Customer].Members"],"members":null,"bookmarked_members":null}],"filter_by":{"conditions":[{"expression":["[Measures].[Customer e-mail]"],"operator":"matches","value":".+@.+"}]},"nonempty_crossjoin":true},"pages":{"dimensions":null},"options":{"nonempty":true},"view":{"current":"table","maximized":false,"table":{}}}
  } ],
  "calculated_members": [{"name":"Customer e-mail","dimension":"Measures","formula":"[Customer].CurrentMember.getProperty('E-mail')","format_string":""},{"name":"Customer primary contact","dimension":"Measures","formula":"[Customer].CurrentMember.getProperty('Primary contact')","format_string":""}]

Link for all contacts of Burti:

How to send a letter from Standard



  1. A Create a template you will use to format this e-mail. You can create one from scratch or use their provided templates, but the main thing is that you need to have a code of the template without any spaces and in capital letters. For this example I will use one for Jāņi called PAPARDES_ZIEDScalled USER-PASSWORDS:
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  2. Create a new letter in CRM>>Register>>Customer Letters
  3. Select either specific customer or put an asterisk * in the customer field to send for all customers matching other criteria
  4. Select whether to send only to primary contact person or all of themthe
  5. Select customer category to send the e-mails to (or enter All to use special customer Subscriber list All)


    A contact list with the name (not code) of the category will be searched for in Mailigen

  6. Select If applicable select one or more classifications to filter down the contacts accordingly
  7. Enter the subject of the e-mail
  8. Enter the template name from above in the field Document (e.g. USER-PASSWORDS)
  9. Select the person that should be placed in the Reply to of the e-mail
  10. Check the list of the recipients via Operation>>Letter List. If happy with that mark the letter as OKed
  11. Run Operations>>Send Mailigen e-mail to start sending process
  12. Go to Mailigen to see if a new campaign has been created and is being sent
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Each click on the operation will create a new mailshot for now so be carefull not clicking it too many times


  • Require something in the Category field in the letter so that even for the list All I need to enter ALL in there. Currently way too easy to send to everyone...
  • Allow to send only one campaign from each letter - either by checking that there is not a campaign with the same name already in Mailigen or marking the Letter with some status
  • Some kind of feedback is needed after clicking on the on the Send Mailigen operation otherwise it is not clear at all what is happening
    Jira Legacy
    serverBurti JIRA


I found a decent way on how to debug this functionality:


  1. Operations>>Create Mailigen campaign. This will create a campaign on Mailigen side. Due to different business checks we can't send the campaign immediately
  2. Click Open Mailigen campaign button to go to Mailigen and send the campaign
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