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What is Mailigen?



After using one list, if a new list is created and has to be used in place of the old list, update the "Main list Web ID" setting and leave the "Main list ID" blank (Main list ID is automatically populated after the first request to Mailigen, if the Main list Web ID is supplied)

Next, it is necessary to create Webhooks, so that when a contact unsubscribes or changes their email, the changes get sent to HW.

  • In Mailigen go to Settings > Webhooks
  • Create 2 new Webhooks:
    • One with trigger "email address changes", the second with trigger "unsubscribes"
    • "List" should be the same list indicated in the setting
    • "URL" should be ..(server)/Web_JSON_Mailigen_Updating.hal
    • In "Send updates made by" tick "a subscriber" and "account admin"

The contact list in Mailigen will be automatically updated if:



It is very easy to create a list from SERP using with a report definition like this:

Code Block
  "cube_name": "HansaWorld CRM",
  "cube_reports": [ {
     "name": "All customer e-mails",
     "result_view": "table",
     "definition": {"columns":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Measures","selected_set":["[Measures].[Customer e-mail]","[Measures].[Customer primary contact]"],"members":null}]},"rows":{"dimensions":[{"name":"Customer","selected_set":["[Customer].[Customer].Members"],"members":null,"bookmarked_members":null}],"filter_by":{"conditions":[{"expression":["[Measures].[Customer e-mail]"],"operator":"matches","value":".+@.+"}]},"nonempty_crossjoin":true},"pages":{"dimensions":null},"options":{"nonempty":true},"view":{"current":"table","maximized":false,"table":{}}}
  } ],
  "calculated_members": [{"name":"Customer e-mail","dimension":"Measures","formula":"[Customer].CurrentMember.getProperty('E-mail')","format_string":""},{"name":"Customer primary contact","dimension":"Measures","formula":"[Customer].CurrentMember.getProperty('Primary contact')","format_string":""}]

How to send a letter from Standard ERP

  1. Create a template you will use to format this e-mail. You can create one from scratch or use their provided templates, but the main thing is that you need to have a code of the template without any spaces and in capital letters. For this example I will use one called USER-PASSWORDS:
  2. Create a new letter in CRM>>Register>>Customer Letters
  3. Select either specific customer or put an asterisk * in the customer field to send for all customers matching other criteria
  4. Select either a specific customer category or leave it blank to send the e-mails to all of the categories defined in the setting (if setting is blank, sends to all categories)

  5. If applicable select one or more classifications to filter down the contacts accordingly
  6. Enter the subject of the e-mail
  7. Enter the template name from above in the field Document (e.g. USER-PASSWORDS)
  8. Select the person that should be placed in the Reply to of the e-mail
  9. Check the list of the recipients via Operation>>Letter List. If happy with that mark the letter as OKed
  10. Run Operations>>Create Mailigen campaign. This will create a campaign on Mailigen side. Due to different business checks we can't send the campaign immediately
  11. Click Open Mailigen campaign button to go to Mailigen and send the campaign
