Versions Compared


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  1. Please log into

  2. Choose a project from the project list.
    You will be able to see only the projects you have access to:


  3. Please choose a Repository.
    Since one project may contain several repositories the list of available repositories is displayed:

  4. On the left side under Actions, please click Clone button to clone (copy) repository to your computer. 
    Please note that under the "Source" label there is a dropdown, where you can select the branch you would like to clone from
    Please go though manual Usage of Git master and develop branches in code deployment to get overall understanding about branch concept. 

        Image RemovedImage Added


    Please note that stash will show you all files that repository has. Usually it will just contain "halcust" folder.

  5. A window with project file and repository URL a button Clone in SourceTree will appear. Click
    Please click on Clone in SourceTree.
        Image RemovedImage Added

  6. If Browser asks for permission to launch your SourceTree clientprogram, please Click on Launch Application.
    If you don't want to see this window again you can may mark Remember my choice for all links of this type.

  7. Then a window will open appear where to choose you need to choose:
     - Checkout branch (see the point 4.),
     - Destination Path (specify location where local files from repository will be stored), 
     - Bookmark Name (local name for repository: since there can be several projects you are working on, please choose convenient name for this repository).
    Then click on please click Clone button.


  8. Please go to the destination path you have selected in the previous step.
    You may already copy cloned files from repository to the server directory (where the HAL program is located) and see the code working on your computer.


    Please note that after running next time when you run SourceTree program you may select repositories with bookmark names from defined earlier (please see step 7).


    [-] Please use double-click to change branches

    [-] Please use "click on Fetch"  button to refresh repository status (this will not update files on local machine)

            Usually first checkbox is selected, which means update the status of whole repository's branches.

    [-] Use the "Pull" button  button to get files be downloaded from repository to the local destination (selected in the step 7)
            Please use 2 first checkboxes when Pulling changes from repository. 

    Creating an archive

    In the case when you need to create an archive of repository for instance to be send to another party, please do the following:
     - Please open the SourceTree program
     - Select needed repository which needs to be archived
     - In the top menu please select " Repository -> Archive..."


     - Press the "..." button and please select location and the name of the archive.
     - You can find the repository's archive under location you have been specified.