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Table of Contents

What is Mailigen?

Mailigen is newsletter creation and automation platform. Platform offers management of contact lists, creation of letter templates using WYSIWYG e-mail template editor, analysing campaign results and more. We can send Standard ERP customer letters such as announcements or adverts using them as delivery mechanism.


  1. You need to subscribe for a Mailigen account or start with a trial account
  2. You need to create an API key from Mailigen admin interface and send to us
  3. We will set up code for you that will be able to communicate with Mailigen from Standard ERPable to communicate with Mailigen from Standard ERP
  4. Add Mailigen settings in CRM > Settings > Mailigen Settings
    • Script runner - node (or full path to node, if just node does not work)
    • Campaign file location path - location, where the generated campaign and other informational files will be located. These indicate, which campaigns have been created. Example - tmp-mailigen/. The folder must exist!
    • Mailigen file location path - location, where the Mailigen code execution files are located. In a previous step, the git/mailigen folder was linked to mailigen, so this should be mailigen/
    • API key - From Mailigen > Settings > API keys
    • Authentication key - should match the parameter "key" defined in Webhook call URL
    • Main List Web ID - Mailigen contact list ID, that can be found in the URL, when the appropriate list is opened (, where X is a number)
    • Activity type - Activity type for activities that will be created for all of the recipients of the Customer Letter after Letter is OKed    Image Added

Importing contacts to lists


  1. In the Mailigen settings indicate which customer categories should be included in the contact list, separated by a comma (Setting - Include only categories). If all customer categories should be included, then leave this field blank
  2. In Mailigen, create a new Subscriber list
    • Under List Actions, choose Custom fields to edit the fields in the list
    • Add a new field labelled "Contact" (this label can be named something else too) and name the Merge Tag "CONTACT" (this cannot be modified)
    • Do not change the Merge Tag of the default field "First Name". These are the required fields, other fields are optional. The list should look like this:
  3. To create a Main list:
    • Run the report "Burti - Mailigen Contact List", which will return all of the customers that match the categories defined in the previous setting, and save it to an .xls file
    • In Mailigen > Lists > My Lists - choose a List > Actions > Import  - choose the previously exported .xls file and import
  4. To create a Classification list:
    • In the CRM >> Settings >> Burti - Mailigen Lists setting create a new row, indicating the list name, specific classifications and list web ID, as described below
    • Run the maintenance "Burti - Mailigen populate Contact Lists", which will update all the specified lists with the valid contacts
  5. Once the list is created, copy the list ID that is displayed in the url, when the list is open and being viewed ( , where X is a number).
    • If you are creating a Main list (list with all the contacts), save this ID in the Mailigen setting "Main list Web ID"
    • If you are creating a classification list, save this ID in the Mailigen lists setting column "Contact List Web ID" in the corresponding classification row. The setting should look something like this:


  1. First, in Mailigen, create a template you will use to format this e-mail. You can create one from scratch or use their provided templates, but the main thing is that you need to have a code of the template without any spaces and in capital letters. For this example I will use one called USER-PASSWORDS:
  2. Create a new letter in CRM > Register Registers >> Customer Letters
  3. To send the letter to a specific contact, select the contact in the Customer field. To send the letter to all contacts, input an asterisk "*"
  4. If you wish to filter the recipient contacts by category, select either a specific contact category or input an asterisk "*" to send the e-mails to all categories

    • If the field Category has * in it and the field Include only categories is defined in the Mailigen Settings, e-mails will be sent only to these categories

    • (warning)(warning) You cannot create a Mailigen campaign from a Customer Letter, if the contact category is indicated and does not match any of the ones defined in the Mailigen Settings Include only categories field
  5. To send the letter to a classification list, choose the corresponding list name from the dropdown in the Mailigen Mailigen Classification List field
    • Choosing a classification list will automatically filter the contacts using the corresponding list classifications
    • If you leave this field blank, the letter will be sent to the main list defined in the Mailigen Settings
  6. If applicable, select one or more classifications to filter down the contacts accordingly
  7. Enter the subject of the email in the Header field
  8. Enter the template name from above in the field Form Template (e.g. USER-PASSWORDS)
  9. Select the person that should be placed in the Reply to of the email in the Reply To (Email) field
  10. To check which contacts will be the recipients of the letter, use Operation > Letter List
  11. Run Operations > Create Mailigen campaign. This will create a campaign in Mailigen with the title from the Header field
    • Along with the Campaign, one or multiple contact segments will be created, which titles are the Customer Letter number (field No.). These segments are used as the contact lists for the Campaign
    • After the operation, the field Mailigen Status will change from N/A to In Progress. 
    • Due to different business checks we can't send the campaign immediately, so to check if the campaign has been created successfully, press the button Mailigen campaign check
      • If everything went well, there will be a popup message, and the status of the letter will change to Campaign created
      • If not, check the troubleshooting section to check what might have gone wrong
  12. Click the Open Mailigen campaign button to go to Mailigen and send the campaignImage Removed
  13. Once the campaign is done, check OK in the letter to indicate that it has been done
    • If there is an Activity type indicated in the Mailigen Settings, then activities will be created for all of the recipients of the Customer Letter that currently match all of the criteria

    Image Added

How to set up the Mass Mail package on server


  1. Install nodejs (for example:
  2. Link mailigen folder to SERP root folder for example

    Code Block
    ln -s git/mailigen mailigen

  3. Install node package in the mailigen folder (for example npm install xmlhttprequest)
  4. Add needed HAL rules
  5. In SERP set up Timed Event MassMailCheckMn that will periodically update campaign status from Mailigen (i.e. is it created)
  6. Add Mailigen settings in CRM > Settings > Mailigen Settings
    • Script runner - node (or full path to node, if just node does not work)
    • Campaign file location path - location, where the generated campaign and other informational files will be located. These indicate, which campaigns have been created. Example - tmp-mailigen/. The folder must exist!
    • Mailigen file location path - location, where the Mailigen code execution files are located. In a previous step, the git/mailigen folder was linked to mailigen, so this should be mailigen/
    • API key - From Mailigen > Settings > API keys
    • Authentication key - should match the parameter "key" defined in Webhook call URL
    • Main List Web ID - Mailigen contact list ID, that can be found in the URL, when the appropriate list is opened (, where X is a number)
    • Activity type - Activity type for activities that will be created for all of the recipients of the Customer Letter after Letter is OKed


