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Highrise is a simple CRM application for managing customer contacts, potential deals, cases, tasks, e-mails and other information. provides easy and fast Highrise deals, cases and contacts reporting. You can import your Highrise account data into flexinto just with couple clicks and start analysis right away.

Imported data imports bi imports the following Highrise data (measures) and dimensions:


In Highrise it is possible to create tasks either as private (visible only to assignee and creator) or public (by selecting “Let everyone see this task”). When task count is imported in flexin then only public tasks and private tasks which are visible to user who authorized eazyBI access to Highrise are imported. Highrise API does not provide access to all tasks even to Highrise account administrators.


Highrise does not have separate fields for forecasted deal closing date as well as for deal stage (or probability). Therefore most common recommendation is to enter closing date and stage at the end of deal name. If you specify expected closing date on open deals then in flexin deal forecast reports you will see deal value in specified month.


Here are examples of deal names and how closing date and stage will be extracted from them:

  • sales bi sales opportunity - 15 Oct 75% 
    Close date will be closest 15th of October (current or next year, depending on deal last updated date), stage will be 75%.
  • Small deal - Nov 
    Close date will be closest 30th of Novemeber (end of month), stage by default will be 10% for pending deal.
  • Big deal - 6m 25% 
    Close date will be 6 months from deal last updated date, stage will be 25%.


You can use the following deal naming convention to add one or several deal tags that will be available as separate Deal Tags dimension in Similar to closing date and stage at first put “ - “ (space dash space) at the end of deal name and then after specifying deal closing date and stage specify deal tags inside square brackets […] and separate several tags with comma. For example,


If you have deals in multiple currencies then for reporting total deal values you need to convert them to one currency. flex downloads currency rates from the European Central Bank (from and defines calculated measures that convert deal amounts to EUR and USD. If you want to convert all amounts to different currency then define new calculated measures using USD calculated measures as example.


If in your Highrise data the same company has several persons with the same name, or if you have several deals with the same name or several cases with the same name then after import in flexin these names will have their ID numbers in parenthesis after their name. It is required by flexby that each dimension member has unique name as well as it is easier to distinguish that these dimension members are different.


If you click on company, person, deal or case dimension member then in action list you will see Go to source link - when clicking on it new Highrise application page will be opened with corresponding contact, deal or case. It can be very useful to see summary overview of your contacts, deals and cases in flexin and when necessary you can go to detailed Highrise page for selected item.