These are instructions for private 3.0 and later. For earlier version please contact our support.


Our default setup

We have chosen Linux CentOS 7 as our default server platform and MySQL/MariaDB as a database engine so these instruction apply for this specific setup.

However it is possible to run also on older CentOS, Redhat as well as other distributions of Linux by adjusting the available software, it's versions and installation methods. For example using rpm or apt-get instead of yum or PostgreSQL instead of MySQL.

Versions mentioned here are current as of 18.06.2019 - they might of course change in the future.

More detailed installation instructions for other database engines and more sophisticated setups you can find at

Gather the software packages

You can either download (or at least try) these using some server side option like command wget or text browser lynx or just download these files to you machine and upload them via SFTP using a tool like Cyberduck

Depending on your server installation options it might be that you need also install packages like unzip, lynx, wget, vim or any other shell commands to perform these tasks, but this is outside the scope of this manual.



Run the following command to install Java:

yum install jre

Run the command java -version and make sure that the result matches the version you just installed.


Run the following command to install MariaDB server:

sudo yum install mariadb-server

You can follow instructions available on MariaDB knowledge base.

For security reasons we recommend creating dedicated flexbi user. Run the following command to achieve that:

sudo useradd flexbi
  1. Move the .zip archive file that you received from our support to /home/flexbi directory on your server.
  2. Run the following command to unzip the .zip archive file (file name in the example can differ from the actual file depending on the software version):


Now you should have /home/flexbi/flexbi_private directory containing the following folders:

MySQL connector

  1. Move the downloaded MySQL connector file to /home/flexbi directory on your server and then run the following command to unzip the .zip archive file (file name in the example can differ from the actual file depending on the software version):


  2. Copy the jar file from the newly created folder to /home/flexbi/flexbi_private/lib directory (if it doesn't exist, create it). Run the following command to achieve that (java version in the example can differ from the actual version depending on the software version):

    cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.47/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47-bin.jar flexbi_private/lib/

Setup and configuration


If you have large amount of records, we suggest to adjust the database engine performance by editing /etc/my.cnf file using appropriate values.

This is an example of a good performance configuration that you can insert under the [\mysqld]\ part of the configuration file:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
query_cache_size= 16M
query_cache_type = 1
max_connections = 200

If you change the log file size after starting the MariaDB, you have to delete ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 file from /var/lib/mysql/ directory.

Adjust the memory size to a level that you can actually afford on your server, taking into account Java and other application memory needs.

It is recommended to use a dedicated MySQL user instead of the root user. The following is is a quick startup guide that will help you to implement the security measures according to you company guidelines.


Google Chrome

We recommend to set up a web server running as reverse proxy to have SSL support for you site. For more information and instructions see this setup manual.

Make sure there is enough (and any for that matter) swap space available and set the swappiness setting to 1. See this manual for CentOS.

Run the server

Finally, now you can start the service using this code:

systemctl start flexbi

Configure the database connection in the wizard that should open once you connect for the first time using the database parameters from above.

There are many tutorials on how to use systemd out there, such as this one from Digital Ocean.


In case of any issues, inspect the log files and contact our support.