Timed Events for scheduling maintenances and exports
Timed Events for scheduling maintenances and exports
Timed events is an addon developed by Burti which allows to define as many scheduled runs as needed.
List of all scheduled events looks like this:
The entry windows looks like this:
The fields on the record:
- Nr: manually entered number which allows to configure the order of events and group them in related events
- On Hold: allows to disable the event
- Comment: description of the event for easier recognition
- Routine: name of the HAL procedure to be run
- Routine type:
- Mainenance: maintenance that changes data in the system
- Report: runs a report. Is not supported by default as each implementation requires some customer specific adjustments
- Export: creates a file with data in the needed destination
- Company Nr: in which company to perform the action
- Last Run: when was last performed. Read only field
- Next Run: time of the next run. Allows to manually change the time if needed, but normally is recalculated based on last run and the interval
- Interval un Interval type: interval in minutes, hours or days
Each matrix row allows to enter a parameter to pass to the event. It is like entering parameters in the maintenance specification window. Possible options:
- if the first column is a name of the variable in the object RcVc which is passed to exports, maintenances etc. In this case second column should contain value of this parameter e.g. 1. Possible to add a column to understand what this value stands for
- if the first column contains variable $AdjDays then it allows to calculate dynamic period for the maintenance. The second column should contain count of days to be added e.g. 30
- if the first column is a RcVc variable e.g. sStartDate then the value in the second column can be set to Date which then will pass current date to the maintenance
- if the first column is RcVc variable e.g. sEndDate and the value in the second column ig AdjDate then the value will passed will be current date plus the days in $AdjDays
- also possible to pass special variables such as CurMonthStart and CurMonthEnd to calculate current months start or end date
- if parameter $AdjMonths is set to a value e.g. -3 then also possible to use AdjMonthStart or AdjMonthEnd to calculate start or end date of months in the future or past
As these combinations can be quite challenging to navigate, please consult us for assistance.
For exports to be able to save the result file it is needed to pass the file path and this support should be added to each of the exports to be able to schedule them