Digital signature and approval rules options

Digital signature and approval rules options


There are multiple ways and scenarios that are supported by approval rules and digital signature options. This page tries to cover them to be able to select the best one for each case:

  1. simple approval rule generated activity to one or more people from a record such as Purchase invoice, Internal order etc. (standard)

  2. multi-level approval activity generated in a way where the mother activity is meant for storing the common information such as comments, but for each approver, there is a separate sub-activity created to manage the approval itself

  3. approval task (activity) which is created to approve any document generated outside of the system e.g. supplier contract, internal guidelines of some sort etc. Works the same way as the approval process for any other register, but the Approval rule has to be defined for the Activities register

  4. e-signature task that can be generated from customer-facing documents such as Quotations, Sales orders, Invoices, and Worksheets. External signers can also be added via the Activity record Operations menu

  5. approval activity + e-signature task: if both approval and e-signature are needed, one should use an approval rule for the first and then generate an e-signature task for the latter (i.e. separate actions that can be even performed in a different order).

Any of these approval activities should be available and actionable from the Excellent portal (EP). E.g.

  • simple approval activity can be approved from Books or EP

  • multi-level approval activity is the one visible in EP, but each separate sub-activity is the one showing status in the Approval sidebar

  • approval task with document can be created and then processed via Books or EP

  • digital signature can be processed (and external signers added) via Bookes or EP

  • if the register is available in EP (e.g. Personnel documents, Invoice, Sales order etc.) it should be possible to generate the signing activity from EP as well



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