How to check user access rights and passwords

How to check user access rights and passwords

Standard ERP often is the central piece of business software in our customer companies. This is why it is important to take care of at least basic security settings to ensure data security and system stability. Unfortunately there are still cases where we find out during health checks users with very simple passwords or even without passwords at all or users that have access to way more data and functionality that they should. This is a short guide on how to check these things in your Standard ERP installation.

User account with no password or week password can cause serious damage to your database.

Step-by-step guide

How to set password policy

One way of ensuring users have password with some level of security enforced is to set up System>Setting>Password Security

  1. Open the setting
  2. Setup the desired settings. We suggest following settings for majority of our customers:
  3. Feel free to play around with the settings according to how often you wish users to change passwords and other settings as setting these to too strict can cause users to for example write down their passwords on post-its and stick them on their table which is even worse than a simple, but unknown to others password

Changing user passwords

Standard ERP supports two login methods for users - log in with Standard ID and login with local Standard ERP user at the same time. I.e. user can log in with both passwords this is why it is important to make sure both password are safe.

Now that you have policy in place you can reset passwords of local users you know have empty or not strong enough passwords by opening System > Register > Users and change password from the list window Operations list:

This way you can set password to something users then can change later themselves from the Master Control later on:

Global users

If you are using Global users to control access of users to multiple companies, all the password settings and Standard ID setting should be instead checked not in System > Register > Users, but Technics > Register > Global users as these are overriding the per company settings.


To make sure that Standard ID password is safe and up to date you can:

  1. look up the Standard ID of a particular user in System > Register > Users > field Standard ID.
  2. Go to mystandard.hansaworld.com and click Forgot password
  3. Enter the needed Standard ID to send a link to user's mailbox


As Standard IDs have their security policy set both of these actions will ensure your users have secure enough passwords set.

Checking user access rights

You can find you access groups under System > Setting > Access Groups. You should first review these to make sure they match the needed access levels for different types of users. Then you can use System > Report > Access Control to see which users have which access right in which companies and change them to match their needs.

If you need any help with assessing the situation or setting this up do not hesitate to contact us and ask for a health check that includes security topic amongst other beneficial system health indicators.