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Support center for version 4.0

REST API - "the request is too large to parse"?


When importing data with REST API you might experience a similar error to:

This error message is for REST API for HansaWorld versions 8.3 and below. Since there is no paging available for these versions and all the data is pushed at once there is a request limit size for If this size is exceeded the register can't be imported with REST API. In these cases combined import has to to be used. 

For registers that are not transactional like customers, persons, item the request size is for all of the data. For transactional registers like Invoices, Transaction, Activities the request size is split up for days. 

For finding out if you have registers that exceed the request size we recommend just setting up the connection and testing it out.

Using combined import to get data

In cases when the register is blocking your REST API import and you want to have information on the register anyway use combined import option.

Go to Source Data → Source application → Click on "Edit" at your HansaWorld application → Continue

Use "Show advanced import options" under the corresponding cube or under "Extra dimensions" to find the register that blocks the import. Then check out the register from REST API column and select it in Source Files column:

Next, export the source file for non-transactional registers or the period that has exceeds the limit for transactional registers from your HansaWorld. Upload it to source files and click on "import".

This way the REST API will import all the rest of the data and you will still have data on the register from source files. 

Changing request limit

For Enterprise users REST API request limit can be changed in eazybi.toml by adding the following parameter in the [general] section:

rest_api_request_size_limit = 12000