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Reporting on "Invoice To" field


There are a number of registers that have an "Invoice to" field - sales orders, service orders, contracts, etc.

Only reports where "Invoice To" field can be specified are in Contracts module.

Description of solution / instructions

  1. Module >> Contract >> Reports >> Factoring Customers Contract List has a field "Invoice To Customer"
    1. This will work only if in the Contract record field "Invoice To" is filled
  2. Module >> Contract >> Reports >> Factoring Customers Invoices
    1. Again, field Invoice To must be filled in Contract records in order to show information in this report
    2. In this report you cannot specify the "Invoice To Customer" but the report shows the Customer that was actually Invoiced and not the one that is specified in the Contract itself


DESK-8791 - Getting issue details... STATUS   SSI-90 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Additional information

Additional keywords

Invoice To, Contracts, Reports


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Jun 13, 2020 by Kate Kaufmane

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Jun 13, 2020 by Kate Kaufmane

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Jun 13, 2020 by Kate Kaufmane

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Jun 13, 2020 by Kate Kaufmane

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Jun 13, 2020 by Kate Kaufmane