Reporting on "Invoice To" field
Reporting on "Invoice To" field
There are a number of registers that have an "Invoice to" field - sales orders, service orders, contracts, etc.
Only reports where "Invoice To" field can be specified are in Contracts module.
Description of solution / instructions
- Module >> Contract >> Reports >> Factoring Customers Contract List has a field "Invoice To Customer"
- This will work only if in the Contract record field "Invoice To" is filled
- Module >> Contract >> Reports >> Factoring Customers Invoices
- Again, field Invoice To must be filled in Contract records in order to show information in this report
- In this report you cannot specify the "Invoice To Customer" but the report shows the Customer that was actually Invoiced and not the one that is specified in the Contract itself
- DESK-8791Getting issue details... STATUS - SSI-90Getting issue details... STATUS
Additional information
Additional keywords
Invoice To, Contracts, Reports
, multiple selections available,