When you have created several reports and charts then you can create dashboards which can show several reports on one page. Dashboard page with all key reports about specific business area can provide quick overview of current business status and key performance indicators.
You can try sample Sales demo dashboards page.
Create new dashboard page
Go to Dashboards tab and click Create new dashboard button. |
Specify new dashboard name and select existing reports that you would like to include in dashboard. |
You can easily arrange reports in dashboard by
Each dashboard after saving will have unique URL address (e.g. sample demo dashboard have URL address https://eazybi.com/accounts/1/dashboards/overview). You can bookmark this URL in your browser for faster access to it. |
Common dashboard page dimensions
If you have several reports in a dashboard and all these reports have common page dimension (e.g. Time dimension to select necessary time period) then it might be quite time consuming to change this common page dimension selection for each report individually. |
After saving dashboard you can select dashboard page dimension members and all reports which use this page dimension will refresh results using this page selection. |
When you save dashboard then all current common dashboard page selections are saved as well for this dashboard (and in this dashboard will override default page selection in included reports). All non-common report page dimensions after dashboard page refresh will use default report page selection. |