Support center for version 3.2
Pricelist and guidelines USA Cloud accounts monthly subscription
Item | Description | USD / Monthly |
001 | Cloud account - Start 3 users, 25MB, Sales, Finance, Quotations, Sales Orders data cubes | 38 |
002 | Cloud account - Standard 10 users, 100MB, Rest api, Additional data sources Sales, Finance, Quotations cubes, Objects, Item classifications, Customer Classifications | 81 |
003 | Cloud account - Business 20 users, 1GB, Rest api, Additional data sources Sales, Finance, Quotations, CRM, Job costing, Stock cubes, Stock depreciations, Stock movements cubes, Consolidation, Objects, Item classifications, Customer classifications, Location classifications | 139 |
004 | Cloud extra space 1GB | 6 |
005 | Cloud consolidation account (per company) | 139 | Private server monthly subscription
Item | Description | EUR / Monthly |
006 | Private Limited server | 214 |
007 | Private Unlimited server | 640 |
008 | Private Limited server hosting M | 160 |
009 | Private Unlimited server hosting L | 267 | Services
Item | Description | EUR / hour |
Servicing Guidelines
- Services are delivered based on accepted specifications from both sides (Developer and end customer)
- Accepted Quotation must be provided before any service delivery will be scheduled by Developer.
Price list is valid from 01/06/2016. Any changes in price list will be published with 30 day notice.
Current price list guidelines will be published in our webpage