Form Definition Status
Form Definition Status
How to use Form Definition Status
Description of solution / instructions
- Form Definitions can be found in most registers under "Forms"
- forms are defined for each type of record separately. e.g. Invoices Form Definition is in Sales Ledger >> Forms >> Invoices >> Operation menu >> Define Form
- You can use field "Status" if you need different Form Templates to be used when printing records that have been or not marked as OK e.g. you might want to use a Form entitled "Proforma Invoice" when printing an Invoice that has not been marked as OK, and a different Form entitled "Invoice" when printing an Invoice that has. In this case, enter two rows in the 'Form Definition' window, one for the Not OKed and one for the OKed Invoice, with appropriate Status in each case. Status "All" can be used if no different forms are needed depending on their Status
- Not OKed status in Form Definitions do not work for Delivery Notes. If Not OKed Delivery has to be printed, form has to be defined for Picking Lists instead. OKed form can be defined and works as intended
- DESK-9000Getting issue details... STATUS - SSI-91Getting issue details... STATUS
Additional information
Additional keywords
Forms, Form Definition, Form Templates, Dokumenti, Formu definīcija, Status, Delivery