Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Word document forms


How to use and define Word document forms

Description of solution / instructions

Word form preparation

  1. To create a Word template, must use MS Word and define it as a .docx file, otherwise, the document will not receive calculated values.
  2. There is Word Field Values which can be used in Word document, use Module System > Reports > Word field values (find record example and run)  

3. To define these fields in a Word template choose the MS Word option Insert > Field (can be also Insert > Text > Field)

5. In column "Categories" choose "Mail merge"

6. In column "Field names" choose  "MergeField"

7. In entry field indicate the Field code, which must be added to a document, for example, "MERGEFIELD F_NUMMER" 

8. After OK, there will be a new field generated , now styles for the field can be changed. Be careful because a field cannot be renamed. If the field must be changed - it can only be deleted and created once again.

  • If the field is inserted correctly, it will be highlighted gray when the cursor is active on them

Word form setup

  1. To activate the print option choose Module System > Settings > Word Document Form Settings and add active Yes.

2. To use multiple languages - must be added Module System > Settings > Languages and also added language to company contacts. Then in Module System > Settings > Word Document Form Definition add language code (Principle similar to standard form set up)

Important: If in the Word template, you have a Table, then need to specify the first field code in the "First Field in Table" column. So the system knows which will be the first matrix field. For example, F_ARTNR (Item code)

3. To correct and change forms go Module System > Settings > Word Document Form Definition


In Latvian -

Additional information

Field list for

Additional keywords

Forms, Form Definition, Form Templates, Dokumenti, Formu definīcija, Word


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