3. Work Flow
3. Work Flow
- Do the export from bank (XML file in FiDAViSta format)
- Import the file in Enterprise by HansaWorld
- Run the report - FiDAViSta statistics with parameters: Show - File imported, Payment not created, select the import just made in "Import time" field so that the report shows records created only during the last import
- Open the record by drilldown link in report
- If receipt(or payment, or advance payment) wasn't created check:
- related contact's Reg. numbers,
- related contact's Bank A/C number
- if contact exists in data base at all, if it doesn't the Create a new one using the operation "Create new contact" (Ctrl+Shift+C)
- Contact record will pop up(if enabled) and available information will be copied from FV record
- Add any other additional information and save the record
- After saving the Contact in FV record use Operation>>Repeat record link (Ctrl+Shift+L)
- If FV record is an outgoing payment, then after Operation>>Create new contact, the newly created record will have the checkbox "Supplier"
- FV record's reg. number will be pasted in contact's Reg. No.1. field; VAT Reg. No. is pasted according to VAT Reg. Number Masks setting.
Meaning that if Reg.No. is 4000384993. Then according to masks setting for Latvia the VAT reg.no. will be LV4000384993.
, multiple selections available,