How to set up and send Burti Advanced Reminders

How to set up and send Burti Advanced Reminders



Sales Ledger >> Settings >> BURTI - Reminder texts






Language to be used in e-mail text. 

Std. text

Text to be used in document form "BURTI - Open Invoice Customer Statement" field F_REMINDERTEXT (Sales Ledger >> Forms >> BURTI - Open Invoice Customer Statement)

Document template is attached to reminder e-mail.

Days Late

Reminder will be sent ONLY on the days mentioned in this field. For example, if Days Late is 9, the reminder won't be sent in 10th day or later. 

You can set it up to be sent out several times (separated by comma) - e.g. Days Late: 5,9,21

E-Mail Text

Reminder E-mail content

E-Mail Header

Reminder E-mail Subject


"Days Late"

  1. Level: 5,9

  2. Level: 20

  3. Level: 30

If customer has Invoices that are 5 or 9 Days overdue, reminder text "REM1" will be used
If customer has Invoices that are 20 Days overdue, reminder text "REM2" will be used
If customer has Invoices that are 30 Days overdue, reminder text "REM3" will be used

Reminder texts (CRM >> Registers >> Standard Texts)

  • Reminder texts used in "Std.text" and "E-mail Text" fields are created and stored in standard register CRM >> Standard Texts

  • You can create different texts to be used for each Language and each of the 3 Reminder Levels

  • It is possible to insert different parameters in Standard Texts that will be replaced with either values or functions when you generate BURTI-Open Invoice Customer Statement

    • values from system records


    • available functions

    • To display all overdue invoices for a customer the loop functionality has to be used. It will tell the system where an overdue invoice begins and ends.

Sales Ledger >> Settings >> BURTI -Reminder settings





Default reminder e-mail language

Default reminder texts (from "BURTI - Reminder texts") to be used if nothing else is specified

Std. text for customer overview e-mails

Default text to be used in document form "BURTI - Open Invoice Customer Statement" field F_REMINDERTEXT (Sales Ledger >> Forms >> BURTI - Open Invoice Customer Statement)

Header for customer overview e-mails

Reminder E-mail Subject

Std. text for Company e-mail signature

Company's e-mail signature

Std. text for User e-mail signature

User e-mail signature

Receiver of invalid email messages

System user who will receive notification fo invalid e-mail addresses

Sender of Reminders

Mailbox (User) from which the reminders will be sent

Reminder PDF folder

Server folder where pdf. files are stored

Invoice postfix

Receiver of invalid email messages (User)

System user who will receive notification fo invalid e-mail addresses

Receiver of invalid email messages (E-mail)

External e-mail who will receive notification fo invalid e-mail addresses

CC Receiver (User)

System user which will be added as Cc to reminders sent from the system

CC Receiver (E-mail)

External e-mail which will be added as Cc to reminders sent from the system

BCC Receiver (User)

System user which will be added as Bcc to reminders sent from the system

BCC Receiver (E-mail)

External e-mail which will be added as Bcc to reminders sent from the system

Send Automatically

Mark to send out e-mails automatically. If it's not marked e-mails will be created in Sender's Mailbox but won't be sent.

Send for partially paid invoices

Mark to include partially paid invoices in both report and the maintenance. If the checkbox is not marked, these invoices will not be considered.

Sales Ledger >> Settings >> BURTI - Customer category reminder levels

  • Code - Customer Category Code

  • Classif. - Customer Classification code

  • Name - Customer Category Description (pasted automatically)

  • Reminder Level - choose from defined Reminder texts/Languages (Burti - Reminder texts)

Sales Ledger >> Settings >> BURTI - Customer reminder levels

  • Code - Customer  No.

  • Name - Customer Name (pasted automatically)

  • Reminder Level - choose from defined Reminder texts/Languages (Burti - Reminder texts)


Sales Ledger >> Reports >> BURTI - Receivers of Open Invoice Customer Statement E-mail

Report will show all Reminder receivers that match the criteria set in Burti - Reminder texts >> "Days Late". Report shows Days Late only for the oldest invoice, however, the customer will receive information about all Overdue Invoices in Statement E-mail. If customer has more invoices where some of them match 1. Level and some 3. Level reminder, system will use Reminder Text that is set for the highest reminder level (3. Level in this scenario). 

It is possible to also use standard report in module Sales Ledger >> Reports >> Open Invoice Customer Statement with specifying "Days of delay" (preferably not less than what you have specified in "Days Late" for 1.Level reminder). 

Sending Reminders

Sales Ledger >> Forms >> Burti - Open Invoice Customer Statement

This option can be used if you only want to send reminders to a specified Customer or Customer Category or use other parameters which are not present for the maintenance.

To create Burti - Open Invoice Customer Statement documents and e-mails, Form Template has to be created or imported.

To add existing Form Template to the document go to module Sales Ledger >> Forms >> "Burti - Open Invoice Customer Statement" >> Operations >> Define Form and choose the correct template in field "Form Template"

Sales Ledger >> Routines >> Maintenance >> Burti - Create Open Invoice Customer Statement E-mail

This is a more automatic option and e-mails for all customers that fit under any of 3 Reminder Levels will be created in "Sender of Reminders" Mailbox

  • To create e-mail only for a specific Contact, choose it in field "Contact"

  • Mark "Include Open Credit Notes" to include open credit notes in e-mail text and attached pdf file

E-mails won't be sent out automatically unless you have marked "Send Automatically" in SL >> Settings >> Burti - Reminder settings

System >> Settings >> Burti - Timed Events

This is another Burti add-on which gives a possibility to schedule maintenances and exports without user involvement. 

If you already have this add-on you can create a new record for Routine "Burti_ARSEmailMasterMn", with type "Maintenance" and set an interval of how often you want this Maintenance to be run. 

More information about Timed Events can be found here.

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