Cloud Controller >> Remote Cloud Server >> Require UUID checkbox

Cloud Controller >> Remote Cloud Server >> Require UUID checkbox

In module ASP >> Registers >> Remote Cloud Servers there is a checkbox "Require UUID". After specifying the checkbox it's necessary to restart the server.

Main purpose for this checkbox is to link a client installation with a server installation:

  1. When server is moved (relocated) or just turned off client will get the ip address and port from Cloud controller and automatically start the server and connect to it.
  2. You can easily download a client from a link that is automatically connecting to the desired server.

How to create a link to download a client



cloudserveruuid is the UUID of server

stdid is the email that you want to have in the login screen

cscontroller is the cloud controller that you want it to connect to (4 for Excellent, 9 for Latvia and 5 for Burti)

If you download a client with UUID in the link, it will always try to connect to that server. You can't copy the exe and reuse it for a different customer.

On windows there was a file stored somewhere (can't find now how and where) where we store information about the last download session and this keeps the information. From what I remember it can go into conflict if you start up new client (for other customer with no db) after downloading a client with server uuid (it might try to connect to the wrong server). This needs testing for confirmation.


In earlier versions there was an issue that if you changed server's uuid (copying Remote Cloud server record for some reason or stopped using UUID for server), client failed to connect to the server. This has been fixed by keeping UUID history of the server and accepting any historical UUIDs from clients.