Banking assistant - Bank account link to accounts

Banking assistant - Bank account link to accounts

  • Bank account - bank account no., that will be compared with FiDAViSta record's account no.
  • Pattern - 'mask' to search in FiDAViSta records 'payment info' field (if the field is empty, then the search will happen in 'Type name' field)

    Functional symbols



    Any latin letter


    Digit from 0 to 9


    Star *


    Any symbol

    other symbol

    the specified symbol

  • Op.name pattern - similar to 'Pattern' field, but will look in  Type name' field
  • Account - paste special (Ctrl+Enter) the account to which the transaction will be made

  • Objects - paste special (Ctrl+Enter) object that should be attached to transaction
  • Type - defines whether transaction or advance payment should be created
  • User - if "Personnel payment" will be provided in "type" field, then the advance payment will be made for this user
  • Comment - this comment will be written in the created transaction record

If these settings are correct, but Banking assistant still doesn't create the transaction and adds this error message in FiDAViSta record: "Customer hasn't been recognised by bank account or registration no", then check if own bank account is correct in setting Purchase Ledger > Settings > Payment modes

If "*" is present in Bank account or Pattern collumn, then all the values from specified field be considered as correct(for example, you specify Bank account as "8" - that means that no matter what the account is, if description matches pattern it will be considered as correct)

For the advance payment creation these things must be provided:

  • employee's user
  • bank account of the user (account has to be in user record too)
  • paste special Personnel payment in 'type' column

To set up the Salary payment recognition (for creating the transacions) these things must be provided:

  • Bank account column must contain the users bank account, which must be provided in user's record too
  • Provide the searchphrase in Pattern column that would recognize the salary payment
  • User must be provided in User column
  • If you need the user Object in transaction then it should be provided in Objects column