Migrating flex.bi Enterprise server

Migrating flex.bi Enterprise server

If you need to migrate your flex.bi Enterprise instance to a different server or host, you need to complete 3 easy steps.

Migrating flex.bi database

  1. Before starting the migration process, stop flex.bi Enterprise service. For example, if you are using systemd initialization script on Linux, run the following command:

    systemctl stop flexbi
  2. Perform a full dump of the MySQL database. (Exchange username and password with the actual credentials of your MySQL Server.)

    mysqldump -u username -p'password' --all-databases > /home/flexbi/flexbi_mysqldump.sql
  3. Transfer the mysql dump file from the old server to the new one. For example, you can use rsync.
    To do this, run this command on the old server.  (Exchange the new_server_ip with the actual IP of the new server.)

    rsync -avz /home/flexbi/flexbi_mysqldump.sql root@new_server_ip:/home/flexbi/flexbi_mysqldump.sql
  4. Import the transferred mysql dump file into the MySQL server on the new server. (Exchange username and password with the actual credentials of your MySQL Server.)

    mysql -u 'username' -p'password' < /home/flexbi/flexbi_mysqldump.sql
It is advised to use a full mysql dump when exporting and importing data. The target MySQL Server should be empty and must not contain any databases which share names with your original flex.bi MySQL Server database. 
More about mysqldump and actions associated - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/mysqldump.html

Migrating flex.bi Enterprise files and import data

  1. To migrate all of your files to your new server you should be able to just copy them from one server to another using rsync.
    To do this, run this command on the old server. (Exchange the new_server_ip with the actual IP of the new server.)

    rsync -avz /flexbi/* root@new_server_ip:/flexbi/

Adjusting flex.bi Enterprise configuration files

  1. If you have changed MySQL database user or password used for flex.bi, then make the necessary adjustments in the /flexbi_private/config/database.toml file. 

    adapter = "mysql"
    database = "flexbi"
    host = "localhost"
    password = "password"
    username = "username"

  2. If the hostname or internet protocol used for flex.bi Enterprise server has changed, adjust the following part of the /flexbi_private/config/eazybi.toml file.

    host = "flex.bi"
    #port = 8090
    protocol = "https"

    If you are using a web server making redirects to the flex.bi Enterprise server, adjust the configuration of the web server

    Check if your SMTP email server will accept emails sent from the new flex.bi Enterprise server.