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Support center for version 3.2


Returns the set that results from filtering a specified set based on a search condition.

The search condition is applied to each tuple of the set and only the ones where logical expression evaluates to true are returned. In case no tuples match the required conditions, empty set is returned.


 Filter(Set_Expression, Logical_Expression )


MDX expression that returns set.
MDX logical expression that returns true or false.


Following example would return all Members who are in Developers group.

	[Reporter].CurrentMember.get('Groups') MATCHES 'developers'


You should be very careful, when iterating through all issues as the set of issues can get quite large. It is suggested to do so only in cases when calculations using Tuples, which are significantly faster, cannot be performed. 

If Filter should work as well for detailed issues Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]) should be used. For example following formula returns sum of all created issues in given context. Normally, some further filter condition would be added as the following formula is returning the same as Issues created measure.

  Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Issues created] > 0 
), [Measures].[Issues created])

See also