Tips for flex.bi Enterprise server administrators

Tips for flex.bi Enterprise server administrators

The following are basic instructions, information and some tips for flex.bi Enterprise server administrators.

Creating Backups

Backups are crucial for ensuring uninterrupted operation of your flex.bi Enterprise server. As a server administrator, you are responsible for creating regular backups of your flex.bi data bases and infrastructure. The frequency of the backup procedure should be chosen according to your company's data security policy. 

The backup files should be stored separately from the original database, ideally in a geographically remonte location.

Backing up flex.bi data bases

There are many ways of backing up your databases - you might have special tools or ability to make disk snapshots. The easiest, but still very reliable way, is to create database dumps.
For example, if you are using a MySQL Server you could use this code: (Exchange username and password with the actual MySQL Server credentials.)

mysqldump -u username -p'password' --all-databases >> backup_file_name.sql

Backing up flex.bi Enterprise installation files

To reduce the possible service downtimes, it is also recommended to back up flex.bi installation files located in the /flexbi_private folder, according to your company's internal backup policy.

Restarting the Service or Server

Sometimes the best solution is a restart, but you have to distinguish between restarting only the flex.bi Enterprise service and restarting the entire server.

Restarting the flex.bi Service


You should restart the flex.bi Enterprise service in the following situations.

The server is running normally, you can log-in and perform normal operations, but:

  • flex.bi data imports are not working.
  • flex.bi Enterprise start/login page is not loading.


Before restarting the flex.bi service you should stop any ongoing data imports, to avoid possible locks in the database.

To do this:

  • Open Source Applications section of the flex.bi web interface.
  • Click on Cancel for any application with the Importing status.

The procedure of restarting the flex.bi Enterprise service depends on the method you are using to start the service.

  • If you are using an init.d startup script:
    Run the following command to restart the flex.bi Enterprise service:

    /etc/init.d/flexbi start
  • If you are using systemd startup script:
    Run the following command to restart the flex.bi Enterprise service:

    systemctl restart flexbi

After restarting the flex.bi Enterprise service, resume any imports that you canceled before restarting.

Restarting the entire server


You should restart the entire server in the following situations.

The flex.bi service is not working as expected and:

  • The server can't be reached using its domain name or IP address.
  • You can't log-in into the server.
  • Issues have been spotted, connected to other server procedures.


Restart the server according to your company's internal procedures.

Checking Log Files for Errors

There are 2 log files available in the flex.bi Enterprise, which can be found in the Troubleshooting page of the flex.bi Enterprise web interface and /flexbi_private/log/ folder on the server.

  • eazybi-queues.log
    In this log file you can find information about data imports, including each cube import status, time, imported record count and import errors.

    This log file shows if the file upload function is started (shows up after each server restart) and if any files are being uploaded.

  • eazybi-web.log
    In this log file you can find information about processes in the web interface of the live flex.bi service, including information about errors.

    In this log file you can check for potential threats, such as scanning attacks, DDOS attacks and similar malicious attempts.

Debugging Data Import

For data import debugging you can use two methods:

  1. Import issues e-mails that are sent from the account.
  2. The following plan parameter which enables data import debug messages registration in the log file eazybi-queues.log mentioned before: (Exchange the register_name with the name of the register that you want to monitor.)
debug_import = ["register_name"]

For both debug methods to work, you have to be set as the Owner of the particular account.

Assigning Account Owner Role

In the flex.bi web interface:

  1. Select the account ghat you want to edit.
  2. In the Current account menu select Account users.
  3. In the list, make sure that your role is set to Owner.

Enabling the Debug Procedure

In the flex.bi web interface:

  1. Select the account ghat you want to edit.
  2. In the Current account menu select Edit account.
  3. In the Update account window, enter debug_import = ["register_name"] (using the appropriate register name) in the Plan parameters field.
  4. Click on the Update button.

Data import debug messages are shown in the log file eazybi-queues.log mentioned before, which is available in the Troubleshooting page of the flex.bi web interface and /flexbi_private/log/ folder on the server.

Monitoring Available Space on Hard-drives

As a  server administrator, you are responsible for making sure that there is enough free space for data imports on the server's hard-drives. Lack of free space can cause data import interruptions and other errors.

Regularly check if there is enough free space available. If the space is running out, you can free it by deleting unnecessary files (e.g. old backups and all of the files in the /flexbi_private/import/<account_number>/uploaded/ folder, because they are stored in data folder after import), adding extra hard drives or choosing another cloud server subscription plan with a higher data capacity.