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Database Type


How to specify your Database Type.

Description of solution / instructions

Sometimes system asks to Specify your Database type when user logs in. 

If this message appears again after you have already defined Database Type, then you need to specify the database type manually.

  • Technics >> Settings >> Database Status
    • Change '"Update Database Status" to Manual
    • change "Database Status" to Live or Test (depends on which server user is logged in to)


SSI-87 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Additional information

Datu bāzes statuss

Additional keywords


  File Modified

PNG File Screenshot 2020-01-22 09.24.22.png

May 07, 2020 by Katrine Zunna-Velicko

PNG File Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 12.32.06.png

May 07, 2020 by Katrine Zunna-Velicko