Support center for version 4.0 Enterprise version update
Stop the flexbi_private server process
It is not mandatory, but recommended if possible to make a reserve copy of your SQL database using mysqldump e.g.
mysqldump -u <username> -p<password> --all-databases >> flexbi_private_dump_2016-11-14.sql
- Make a reserve copy of the existing installation by copying the flexbi_private folder to e.g.
It is recommended to include also the version info to be able to recognise later on
- Download the newest version or ask support or your partner to provide it to you.
Delete the following files and folders from your existing server folder:
flexbi_private/spec flexbi_private/app flexbi_private/db/migrate flexbi_private/config/initializers flexbi_private/config/locales flexbi_private/examples flexbi_private/public/images flexbi_private/public/flexbi flexbi_private/public/javascripts flexbi_private/public/style flexbi_private/public/stylesheets flexbi_private/config/torquebox flexbi_private/vendor flexbi_private/LICENSE flexbi_private/ flexbi_private/flexbi_private.jar flexbi_private/tmp
Downloaded .zip archive should be extracted into
folder.Make note of files that are overwritten during extraction process. Especially for configuration files in the config folder and startup files in bin folder. Manually compare them with the backed up versions and bring over any changes that you made during initial server setup.
- If you are updating from version older than 5.1.0, then:
If you are using systemd initialization script, change it according to this example(don't forget to adjust directories, port, Java memory settings and other parameters specific to your installation):
# Sample init script for [Unit] reporting service [Service] Type=simple # Run the service as this user and group User=flexbi Group=flexbi TimeoutSec=30 # Remember to change /home/flexbi/flexbi_private to the actual home directory of in all places WorkingDirectory=/home/flexbi/flexbi_private Environment="RAILS_ENV=production" Environment="EAZYBI_HOME=/home/flexbi/flexbi_private" Environment="EAZYBI_PREFIX=/flexbi" Environment="RUBYOPT=-W0" # Adjust to available memory Environment="JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.LEVEL=OFF" # Default configuration ExecStart=/usr/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -Dwarbler.port=8080 -jar flexbi_private.jar Restart=on-failure StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=flexbi #LimitNOFILE=10000 [Install]
If you are using nginx, add these lines to your nginx configuration:
proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection "";
- Start the flexbi_private server process (Database changes will load automatically once the server starts)
If server doesn't start up after update:
- Check flexbi_private/ folder permissions