Hansaworld data source
Support center for flex.bi version 4.0
Hansaworld data source
Available materials: |
Select import type:
a) REST API 2.0 import
Suitable for all amounts of data
Available from Hansaworld version 8.4 or later
Is more performance friendly to your HansaWorld server
Have an option to update data with one click
b) REST API import
Suitable for accounts with small to medium amount of data as it will push all data from selected start date.
Available from Hansaworld version 8.1 or later, requires Webshop module access to setup Rest API link
Is more performance friendly to your HansaWorld server
Have an option to update data with one click
c) Source Files import
Suitable for demo accounts and quick testing purposes.
You will need Access to HansaWorld Database Maintenance and Integration modules
Requires user rights to export data from your HansaWorld client
Requires HAL and file transfer setup for automation
d) Combined import - Rest API + Source files
Combines both imports
Can use Rest api to refresh recent periods, but upload historical data with files
A backup option if some registers can not be imported through REST API
Note: you can switch from REST API or Source file import to Combined at any time.
, multiple selections available,